Engine Issues? We’ve Got You Covered!
Everything from minor engine issues to full replacements.
Our certified mechanics fix it fast.
Expert engine repairs to get you back on the road quickly and safely.
Don’t Wait—Fix Your Engine Before It’s Too Late!
Have Questions?
Contact Us Your Way – Call, Text, or Schedule Online with Ease!
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Text us with questions or photos of the issue. See why texting works best.
Call Us
(539) 367-3738 or
Send Us a text (539) 352-5816
Why You Need
Engine Repair
- Prevent Expensive Breakdowns: Address small issues before they become major repairs.
- Boost Performance: Keep your car running smoothly with our expert care.
- Save Time and Money: Don’t wait for engine trouble to cause a breakdown.
Engine Problems
We Fix
- Oil Leaks: Leaking oil can damage your engine and lead to costly repairs.
- Overheating: Left unchecked, it can ruin your engine completely.
- Strange Noises: Knocking or ticking sounds often mean serious internal engine issues.
- Check Engine Light: Get it diagnosed before it turns into a major problem.
Our Engine Repair Services:
We handle a full range of engine repairs.
Here’s what we do best:
Check Engine Light
Don’t Ignore the Your Check Engine Light!
Engine Tune Up
Boost Performance and Efficiency with a Pro Engine Tune-Up!
Engine Swap
Need a New Engine? We’ve Got You Covered with Expert Swaps!
See All the Ways
We Can Fix Your Engine
- Engine Sensors
- Timing belt/chain replacement
- Gaskets and Seals
- Spark Plugs and Ignition
- Engine Diagnostics
- Belts and Hoses
- Head Gasket Replacement
Why Choose
T Autocare Takedown
- All Makes & Models: Trust our experience with all makes and models.
- Transparent Pricing: We provide honest, upfront estimates with no hidden fees.
- Fast Turnaround: We strive to get you back on the road quickly.
- Customer Satisfaction: Our reviews speak for themselves—our focus is on building long-term relationships.
Schedule Your
Engine Repair
Engine Repair Near Me
Let us take care of your Broken Arrow auto repair issues. If you suspect engine trouble, don’t ignore it. Ignoring the problem can lead to expensive repairs down the road.
We Make Auto Repair Easy
Call us at (539) 367-3738, Send a Text at (539) 352-5816, or book a car repair appointment online.
Need a quick repair estimate?
Send us a text! Learn more about the benefits of texting us.
Our online booking system connects directly with our shop’s schedule, so you get an accurate appointment time.
FAQs About Engine Repair
How much does engine repair cost?
The cost depends on the type of issue, but we always provide transparent pricing before repairs begin.
How long does engine repair take?
Repairs are usually completed in a few days, but we’ll give you an accurate timeline based on the problem.
What happens if I ignore engine issues?
Ignoring engine trouble can lead to severe damage, including complete engine failure, requiring costly replacements.
Do you offer warranties?
Yes! We offer a 12-month or 12,000-mile warranty on most repairs.
How do I book an appointment?
Call, text, or book online—it’s easy to get started!
Let’s Fix Your Car!
Useful Links on Engine Repair: